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3 Post-doc positions at Polifab within the NFFA-DI infrastructure


2 years contract (renewable) – net monthly salary of 2000€ – beginning in summer/autumn 2023

Polifab, the micro and nanofabrication facility of Politecnico di Milano (www.polifab.polimi.it), participates in the recently funded research infrastructure NFFA-DI (Nano Foundries and Fine Analysis Digital Infrastructure; codice identificativo IR_0000015, https://nffa-di.it) which represents the Italian branch of the well-established ESFRI infrastructure NFFA (https://www.nffa.eu).

NFFA-DI is the NFFA upgrade proposal for realizing a Full-Spectrum Research Infrastructure for nanoscience and nanotechnology, capable of enhancing the Italian research competitiveness on the fundamental interactions of multi-atomic matter to explore the origins of materials behavior at all relevant dimensional and temporal scales, to describe, understand and design material solutions for engineering innovation. The rationale of NFFA-DI is to integrate nano-foundry laboratories, i.e. facilities for atomically controlled growth, structural characterization of nano-objects and nano-structured materials, including upscaling the most promising systems to the level of intermediate TRL developments, and the national facilities for the fine analysis of matter delivering synchrotron and FEL radiation (Elettra and FERMI), therefore raising the quality, reproducibility and overall competitiveness of Italian research in nanoscience, fully integrated into the European RI ESFRI landscape.

Within NFFA-DI, Polifab will potentiate its capabilities in the synthesis and fine analysis of advanced materials thanks to the installation of new experimental stations:

a) Atomic layer and pulsed layer deposition (ALD and PLD) systems for wafer-scale deposition of advanced functional materials (PIs: Claudio Somaschini and Andrea Cattoni) – details

b) Combined molecular beam epitaxy and angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy (MBE+ARPES) for the state-of-art growth of chalcogenides and in-situ investigation of the band-structure of quantum materials (PIs: Matteo Cantoni and Christian Rinaldi) – details

c) RF probe station for broadband spectroscopy measurements and Time-Resolved MOKE microscope for the analysis of magnetization dynamics (PIs: Daniela Petti, Edoardo Albisetti, Riccardo Bertacco) – details

For each of them, we are hiring a post-doc with a contract as a Technologist for 2 years (renewable) with a net monthly salary of about 2000 €, starting in summer/autumn 2023.

The tasks of the three post-docs will be:

– To contribute to the procurement, installation and commissioning of said instrumentation.

– To carry out an original research activity exploiting the new/upgraded instrumentation through in-house experiments, to become fully operational as research infrastructure providers.

– To contribute to the implementation of the digital infrastructure of NFFA-DI for the management of fair data as well as to the commissioning of access of users.

The post-docs will work in a stimulating environment for basic nanoscience and advanced technologies, with continuous exchange of know-how from the different nodes of the infrastructure and participation in the research activities of users.

They will have the opportunity to participate in the creation of a unique infrastructure, with the perspective of an activity beyond the two years of the initial contract, as the expected duration of NFFA-DI is at least 10 years.

For info please contact:

Position a: claudio.somaschini1@polimi.it, andrea.cattoni@polimi.it

Position b: matteo.cantoni@polimi.it, christian.rinaldi@polimi.it

Position c: daniela.petti@polimi.it, edoardo.albisetti@polimi.it, riccardo.bertacco@polimi.it

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